Ya'll can run but ya can't hide! A little birdie told me i'd find some familiar faces here!!!
Gisela, it's after 9:00 so I WILL call you tomorrow!!! Love you and glad you are home!! I just listened to a week's worth of messages on my machine today and got yours. What a friend I am, huh? Dylan is with me for at least another two weeks then who knows what.... Ya'll please pray that things work out and that he is with us for good!! I will have some pictures of him on my yahoo group soon.. the pics from his 1st birthday... He is a doll baby!!
Teann, your pkg I sent you was returned so I have to take it to the post office tomorrow because of the weight..... Did you ever d/l yahoo or aol im? You should have rec'd the envelope portion though...???
Joni, I will be sending you an email soon.
Renee, Paige, and everyone else... I'm happy to see ya'll. I really have missed everyone. Well, I'm outta here to get busy on housework after a full day's work of being a full-time Grandma
Love ya'll

DIXIE!!!!!!!! HOWDY!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU for joining us!!!!!! I wondered if you would. I was going to email you and ask you, but here you are, so someone else had the same great idea! Like a co-worker in Florida used to say,
"Great minds think alike....and so do ours!"
It's so nice to see all the "good ones" together again here! It was a BRILLIANT idea, if I may say so myself.
Love you!