Quote of the Day
One changes from day to day, and...after a few years have passed one
has completely altered. --George Sand
I love this quote. I remember who I was back when I weighed 130 lbs. My body was great, but my self-esteem still sucked.
I know who I am now that I am 360 lbs. My body sucks, but my self-esteem is better.
When/if I have WLS and lose my weight, I want my body and mind to be compatible with each other.
I am trying to make small changes to be healthier, not only for the weight issues, but also for all the self-esteem troubles.
Small changes can lead to big results.
I want to do this. Even if the insurance doesn't allow me to have WLS, I still want to figure out a way to be who I am. Right now my body doesn't match my mind.
Love ya'll,
You're right....WHEN I have surgery. If I had another insurance, I would say WHEN without the IF.
On the other hand, if I am switched to Medicare eventually, it should be covered. I just hate wasting any more of my life. I have wasted so much of it already. And this 6 months diet....even when THAT is over, there will be the waiting on the doctors to fax over the papers to Aetna and then Aetna has 30 days from the time they go to review to make a decision. The problem is...the last time, it took them 30 days to even get them in review and then I had to wait over 30 MORE days. So I'm frustrated because I need to stop GAINING weight.
It's crazy.
But for today, I am going to believe you...This IS going to happen!
Tomorrow your going to get up, look in the mirror and say, I AM going to have surgury soon! REFUSE to believe anything else. The power of positive thinking WILL influence what comes your way, just as negativity does.. Your on the road to eliminating negativity so now it is time to think POSITIVLY!
I understand the weight gain issue, I did the same thing myself. I wish I lived closer, I would have you so tired you would defintely loose something if nothing but your mind before I was through..
My poor walking buddy at work is just 4 weeks post op and I forget I feel better than she does but we pushed forth tonight and walked 2 miles! It is hard, just hang in there and keep fighting with everything you got! Im here if you need me

I'm trying Kim! If my insurance was a little more....ummm, accommodating, I would be saying WHEN more often. I'm hoping they won't deny me a second time. My health has gone downhill in the past 6 months that I have been jumping through their hoops, so I am afraid I am going to die before they decide I'm "worthy" of getting to actually USE my insurance
Love you,
Ok, Ok, I KNOW I will, I KNOW I will be approved for WLS! Even though I have Aetna and it's almost impossible to get approved and even though they keep sending me bills after bills after bills and I don't know if I'm gonna be able to pay them or not, I KNOW I will be approved for WLS!
Sorry, that's about as positive as I can get right now. I got ANOTHER bill for $141 for the nurse education, physical therapy and nutritionist that I already paid $50 co-pay for. I asked them, "Are you SURE this is the only co-pay for THIS thing because there are so many co-pays? And they said, "Yes," and then here comes another bill for $141. In the meantime, my insurance is sending me 3 bills for 3 sleep studies since I had to go three times. And we haven't even talked about the IRS bill and the house in Florida.
I am just overwhelmed with it all. I may have the surgery and I may lose weight, but I am going to be owing so much money I will be living under a bridge somewhere, if the IRS doesn't put me in jail and they don't serve protein shakes in prison!
Ok, I'm more optimistic than I sound, but it does get to be a bit much when all I've got is a disability check and no husband. Of course if I had a husband, he would be taking my disability check to buy beer and cigarettes and hookers, so at least I have that going for me...no husband.
Ok, I'm going to take a nap now and maybe I will feel better when I wake up.
Love you and thank you for coming to my Secret Hideaway! I was scared no one would show up!