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I live and work in Omaha, Ne. I work for a company that excluded weight loss surgery. I have been told by 2 doctors that I need surgery. So, now I am considering looking for a new job with a company that has insurance that it would be covered. Any suggestions on how to do this research??
I wanted to come back and add to my post as I have new info on this.
I just got a loan through Proper! I posted a listing on Tuesday and it was fully funded within a minute of going live. The process was quick, and the money was deposited in my account Friday. I did a ton of research on Prosper and how to write an effective listing. I am beyond thrilled. My surgery is in less than four weeks :)
I'd be happy to share more info with anyone investigating this option. You may want to send me a message though, as I never get notifications when a person has responded to my posts (even though I have the damn box checked).
ObesityHelp wants to give a huge shout-out and say THANK YOU to our amazing community for your suggestions of speakers and topics for the ObesityHelp 2013 National Conference.
On Monday, we will be announcing the exciting opening keynote speaker for the Conference.
Again - THANK YOU!! This will be one of our best events!
I'm not sure if I'm posting in the correct forum, but I noticed several of you out there who are having trouble getting Tricare to approve surgeries for excess skin removal and wanted to help out.
First, it is 1000 times easier to get approved if you go to a military doctor. Basically, anything that a military doctor gives you a referral for cannot be turned down by Tricare. So by using a military treatment center as your PCP, you can avoid all of the hurdles that Tricare throws out.
Second, to get referred to a surgeon for your excess skin removal, you HAVE to have some sort of problem associated with your excess skin. Examples of these are: persistent rashes, persistent yeast infections, chronic back pain associated with your excess skin ect.
IF you are having persistent problems and your PCM (primary care manager) still won't give you a referral, do not hesitate to request to change your PCM. To do this all you have to do is call Tricare and request the change.
Once your doc says that he or she is ok with giving the referral, you have the right to ask to ask your doctor that you be sent to a plastic surgeon off base if you aren't comfortable with having a military general surgeon perform the operation.
If you want to go for the whole tummy tuck, you can pay extra on base or to a private practice surgeon to perform it while doing the excess skin removal. That will cut your costs way down and prevent you from having to have a secondary surgery. Larger base hospitals perform all types of elective plastic surgery (implants, breast lifts, ect.) but you have to pay out of pocket for them.
Good luck to all of my fellow Mil Spouses out there!
Starbucks offers excellent insurance that includes WLS,even to part time folks. One or both of you can get apart time job there,since you have no kids and only school/studies/grant related jobs at school.
when will one or both of you be graduating and becoming gainfully employed?
So I keep reading horror stories about whenever I do an internet search, but I am seeing a lot of posts about and how great it is. These comments I'm reading all sound suspiciously like paid endorsements. I can't seem to find any actual reviews of FundMyDr either. So I am wondering if anyone here has actually used, and if so, what was your experience?
Thanks so much!
My aunt and several other people I know did the gastric sleeve in Mexico. There's one surgeon close to San Diego that advertises a sleeve surgery for less than $5000. Would you be able to get that much money for one sleeve? That would probably be the best option unless you can get on MedicAid. Perhaps you could research charitable organizations that might cover some or all of the costs? Some Catholic hospitals my have a program for people who can't afford surgery otherwise.
Good luck in your journey.
hello what kind of surgery did you get and what type of insurance do you have if you don't mind me asking
Does't PCIP go by state? I am wondering on how to get it, because when I called I was told it was excluded.