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on 6/30/13 1:08 am
I have exhausted every possible route to try to get funding for my gastric sleeve. Such a horrible defeat!!! I just wish there was a way. My insurance has a exclusion. I cannot get financing. If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them!!
Starbucks! Seriously, get a part time job there. Even for part timers they provide insurance with WLS benefits.
on 6/30/13 1:06 am
We can't answer that, it totally depends on your individual policy. UHC has a million different policies they sell.
Sleeved 6/12/13 - 100 pounds lost to get to goal!
1. First thing: get a copy of your insurance plan requirements in writing so you know exactly what you are up against. If you meet the requirements *in that document*, you will be approved, period. It amazes me the number of folks who have never seen this document. Contact your HR office. They should have it.
2. Get a verified height from your PCP or surgeon at the beginning of the process and use that for your BMI calculations. That is the height you want your insurance to use. Don't cheat, but make sure that you are not attempting to do your best supermodel impression, either. Height is not your friend at this point. I had a variance of 1.5 self reported inches over the years in my various medical records.
3. It is also in your best interest to weigh heavy. Again, I am not suggesting you cheat, but wear thick pants, heavy shoes, etc. that day. You get the idea...
4. Regarding denials: I had 2 of them, plus my first surgeon's insurance coordinator told me there as nothing else she could do for me, which was BS, but that is a different story. I hired an advocate (Walter Lindstrom) to get me through the process because I didn't have time with work to be able to stay on top of it. Can you self advocate and manage your own appeals? Definitely, but the path I took was the right one for me. If you do manage your own appeals, pay VERY CLOSE attention to dates and back up your assertions with facts from your medical records.
Some denial myths:
"they deny everyone the first time out". Nope. If you meet the criteria in your contract document, you are approved. Period. The catch here is that the insurance folks won't lift a finger to connect any dots, either. It's got to be crystal clear how you meet their requirements. If they can't distill the info from your charts, the likelihood you'll be denied goes up. Here is where your recent, clearly documented height and weight really become your friend.
"if you are denied, game over". NOPE. the appeals process exists for each plan. Use it. Some of it is silly (like when a plastic surgeon reviewed my file and found me ineligible) but it's there for YOU. You may have to play the game for awhile in order to get to a level of appeal where you can have your case reviewed fairly, but that level does exist.
"WLS is specifically excluded so game over". Not necessarily. My brother in law is in this situation right now and I'm trying to persuade him to FIGHT. In this case, I would go to an advocate because they can help you navigate this process. My *understanding* is that through the use of the appeals processes, you can get your case in front of an independent review board where your case will be determined based on medical necessity, not bean counter standards.
Good luck to anyone just starting out!
(disclaimer: I'm not an advocate, an attorney, health care insurance expert, etc. I have no relationship with any advocates, other than I hired Lindstrom's to handle my case. I'm an average girl who gets frustrated with people who give up much too early, or worry about things they actually can control)
Sleeved 6/12/13 - 100 pounds lost to get to goal!
This sounds just like what I heard from Cigna. Were you granted approval? Do have any advice for me? I have a tentative surgery date of July 16.
Is anyone familiar with UnitedHealthcare and the out of pocket expenses. I have my surgery date, gotten through pre-op, and now faced with fees. Are there payment plans available? I have come too close to turn around now.
Sleeved 6/12/13 - 100 pounds lost to get to goal!
I have United with the same requirements and didn't quite meet requirements (BMI of 38.3 + comorbids on first submission); they didn't care that I had worked with my doc on physician supervised weight loss on and off since 2008. They didn't care that I could show BMI of 40 when I wasn't working with my doc. I fought thru two denials, and hired Walter Lindstrom's office. They handled the final appeal, which went to hubby's employer (ING). It was a one shot deal- if I won, I won, and if I didn't, I was done. Well, I won the appeal. The bigger news is that ING's medical director decided on the basis of Lindstrom's arguments that their policy was outdated and ordered United to change it to reflect prevailing medical thought.
I tell you this because if you are through ING, you should have looser restrictions and I would be curious to know if that is not the case. If not through ING, know that if something goes wrong, you do have another case that has been successfully argued and overturned against those requirements.
From what you say, you should be fine, but I wanted to give you some additional details should you need them good luck!
Sleeved 6/12/13 - 100 pounds lost to get to goal!