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Hi. I wanted to know if anyone has had experience with having medical insurance with United Healthcare but Value Options for the mental health portion. I want to know if the Psychological testing was covered by one or the other since it's a requirement for my surgery.
I have BCBS PPO and am in my second month of MD visits.
I know this is an older post but I was wondering if you were approved or if you are still in the process.
I have a very similar case because I have been between 39-41 for over 3 years. I only have 1 co-morbidity (HTN), but did not start taking meds until last year. My surgeon said that I have to provided documentation that it was present in the last 3 years. I also have PCOS and have taken Metformin for a few years. Hopefully this will get me approved... Fingers crossed.
Hi everyone! I had surgery 4 years ago and am now left with no restriction. I originally lost about 121 pounds but have gained 20 of those pounds back. I've fought those pounds for about 6 mons I realize it's not a lot but it's troubling me. I'm curious I had the bypass with another insurance with no problems through anthem. Now I have united healthcare and my company does not have a rider on their policy. If I do this it would be self pay.
would this be considered lapband surgery ? Does anyone know the cost for self pay with that. Is it possible to get some things paid for by the insurance company such as anesthesia and self pay the rest. Curious how this worked for some of you! I probably can scrounge up $5,000-$7,000 out of pocket.
With about 5 more commorbidities to date I wondered if Tricare would cover this for a Retired/Disabled Military Person?
listen to calls if interested: SUN,MON&THURS at 9:00 est
(712) 775-7100 pin# 877488

Hi yoyo0212, Yes, we are in the same boat. How are things going with you now?
Thanks I appreciate your input.
Hi pharmagirl_45, Thanks for your input. I have been gone for awhile. I have decided to go with another surgeon, my first appointment will be this Friday August 15, 2014. I will see what they say, and I will keep in mind what you suggested the 30 days from the last appointment.
Hi noftessa0401, I'm back. Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I decided to go with another surgeon that is closer to where we live.
I am having more problems with acid reflux and my hiatal hernia has grown bigger. My surgeon said repairing the hiatal hernia by getting the RNY done is really the only option for me. I have my appointment with her this Friday, August 15, 2014. I will keep you posted.
So did the entire process take a year or just the appeal part? Who is your insurance provider?
Hello everyone, I have BCBS IL HMO. Just recently changed my medical group for logistical purposes. I went to the doctor and we discussed WLS. She stated that she would be unable to put in the referral because I had not been a member of the medical group for one year. I know my health insurance covers this surgery, but she said she cannot make a referral for one year. Has anyone ever heard of this. Is this true for all medical groups? I can change, but would like to find a group that does not have such strict policy. I am currently with Presence Medical Group.
We have a new Obesity Chat with Dr. A episode uploaded. It can be found at or the latest episode's direct link is: _00-07_00