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I have just landed a new job and am wondering if there is anyone here that resides in Michigan and has Aetna Choice POS II insurance. It is a PPO, so I will not have to jump through hoops trying to get referred to a specialist, but I am wondering if anyone has been able to get the by-pass utilizing this type of insurance. Since I am being allowed to choose, I want to choose the insurance that will cover the surgery. My BMI is 62 so I know I am medically eligible so the only thing now is lining up with the right insurance.
just got a referral to see about bariatric surgeon. I really want to have the gastric sleeve done. Has anyone got this approved with Tricare?
I've pretty much given up on IEHP, I got my cosmetology license last Friday and I've already had a few interviews this week. So it looks like I'm going to be looking into some sort of self pay option, the hours I'll be working in a salon just don't give the flexibility to play the go to x amount of doctors this week based on when the insurance company says to go game. Hopefully this all works out.
Well who knows there are a lot of people who interpret that differently. I would get the records and submit them anyways. You have nothing to lose by trying, and appealing the decision. I see no reason that it would make any difference where the physician is located to document your weight. Unless you have only lived in your current state for just a month... On the other hand I don't have insurance coverage for bariatrics and I paid out of pocket, it sure was nice not to jump through all the insurance hoops to get the surgery. I'm assuming you have gotten some kind of medical certification... which choosing your place of employment for the insurance coverage would greatly benefit you. Especially jobs with or funded by the city, county, state, or federal, or a large company. These are the kind of places that will likely have the best bariatric coverage. Maybe your supervised weight loss will already apply to the new plan? Good luck!
They sent a letter stating I was denied because I do not have records showing I've been overweight the last 5 years. I called them and explained I have been living in Oregon the last 6 years and I could have records sent over since I have in fact been overweight for 12 years. The lady on the phone told me that would not work, my records would have to be from this state over a 5 year period.
Can you help m. I am at my 2nd level appeal with BCBS Anthem... Although I don't have the same doctor I need the revision surgery to RNY...PLEASE HELP...MAYBE A COPY OF YOUR APPEAL LETTER..Hi I have Anthem, and the CPT CODE my doctors office used Anthem is saying it's considered Investigational/Experimental... I was wondering if you still had a copy of your1st or 2nd Appeal letter OR IF you could offer any suggestions on how I can get approved....I have a dilated Stoma, Gerd, Reflux, HBP. Lower back problems, my BMI meets the requirements...Also this is for a Revision to RNY...I APPRECIATED ANYTHING YOU CAN HELP WITH.
Since I have been a full time student the last 10 months I'm on IEHP/medi-cal, my primary care suggested I go through the process to get surgery and referred me to a nutritionist. The nutritionist did the 6 month assisted weight loss program and submitted his notes to the insurance company and my primary care sent the referral to see the surgeon. I was denied, I called the insurance company to appeal it. I then called the person in charge of referrals at my doctors office and she told me that basically she has only seen a handful of patients get approved. I've recently graduated and I have a state board exam next week and my school is now working to get me working as soon as possible. So now I'm wondering if I should bother trying to fight with IEHP or find some way of paying for it myself? If so I'm lost at where to start since really the only thing on my credit is my student loans. Any advice/help appreciated. thanks.
please im wondering if any of ya know who takes stawell and what is need to be done im new in florida
and I am tryin to start this new jorney I my life ,, WELL LOVE IS I CAN GET SME INFO IN HOW TO START WOULD LIKE TO GET THE GASTRIC BYPASS,,