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Jersey Girl
on 9/30/10 10:30 am
Topic: RE: HOW DOES "SELF INSURED" affect approval
As long as your employeer hasn't excluded WLS from your policy the Aetna's medical policy guidelines will still apply.  So as long as you meet their wls criteria, you'll get approved. 
A l y s i a  (pronounced like A l i c i a)
Total weight loss since HW of 475:
Pounds lost since band revision to DS            
on 9/30/10 4:48 am
Topic: RE: A whole lotta questions
I also left out I have 6 weeks last Dec/Jan that I went to a doc and was prescibed phentermine and lost 10 lbs in first 2 weeks but then I quit because I didn't lose anymore weight for 4 weeks and it was costing me alot of money. I was at a 39 bmi then too so still not a weight of >40bmi from 2009. I went to Curves for 3 months also in 2009 (Oct-DEc) part of it while I was on phentermine and did not lose any weight besides the 10 lbs in those 2 weeks. I am still a member even though I have not been since Jan of last year since I signed a contract through work for a discount.

Just thought I would add...didn't know if this helps my case at all LOL
on 9/30/10 4:41 am
Topic: A whole lotta questions

So here's my issue....

I have Aetna now and have the option to switch to Med Mutual Jan 1st and have to decide in Oct. I am wanting to get WLS but not sure what to do. I have my first seminar tonight with the bariatrics program I want to use but probably won't get to see doc til sometime in Oct. I have a couple issues. I have only had a >40bmi since recently. I have been around about 38-39 bmi for the last 2.5 years since I had my last baby and fluctuated between 35-37 before that. I do not have any documented comorbidites as of right now but I am 99% sure I have sleep apnea because I snore, always tired and my mom and daughter both have it....I just have never been tested because I also am hypothyroid and my pcp blames everything on that. I also have lower back pain and knee pain both which because I hate going to the doc are not documented with him. I actually besides my gyno before this last year had not been to the doc in probably 5 yrs because I hate going. I also have been participating in a weightloss program that my doctor gave approval for at a gym run by a local hospital whi*****ludes weekly meetings with a Licensed Nutritionist and biweekly hour long sessions with a personal trainer for the last 2 months but no visits with a doc. I have actually gained weight in the program, my trainer and nutritionist blame this on eating more and gaining muscle even if it is healthy since I was someone who barely ate accept junk and lack of sleep since I'm so busy with 3 kids, working fulltime and going to grad school,  which is why I am now at 40.5 bmi I was 39 bmi at start of program. I am under the impression that this program will not count for Aetna's 3 month multidisciplinary program because I have not gone to the doctor during it but wuld count toward a 6 month weight loss program? Is that right? I'm not sure it would count towards any of Med Mutuals 6 month program. 

Which insurance is easier to get accepted by? I have a friend that has Med Mutual that had surgery and she said all she needed was 1 weight in the previous year that she was >40bmi and another friend who has Aetna that said she needed 5 years of >40 bmi. For this reason should I switch to Med Mutual since I will have a weight from 2010 and then when my 6 months is up with them it will be 2011 and will still be >40 bmi? Or should I just try and get the surgeon or my pcp to do a sleep study on me asap so I can see if I have a comorbidity and then the weights don't matter since I have been >35 bmi for last 5+ years?
Also in regards to the supervised weightloss program in Med Mutuals policy I have read WW for 6 months plus 3 doctors visits counts as a supervised weightloss program, I wonder if the program I am in would count if I went to doc 3 times in the next 4 months (since I have already completed 2 months) or would they want my start weight of the program which puts me below 40 bmi?

The moral of this story is what is my best way of getting approved????? I really need this... I ahve tried everything and nothing works for me... I just keep gaining more and more each year.

on 9/29/10 2:23 pm - Fort Wayne, IN
Topic: RE: HOW DOES "SELF INSURED" affect approval
It doesn't, much.  "Self insured" means that all Aetna does is administer claims and benefits (including surgical approvals) paying out your employer's money, not Aetna's. 

Open yourself to possibility and possibility will present itself.
Jeanine J.
on 9/29/10 5:29 am
Topic: Harvard Pilgrim?
Harvard Pilgrim Coverage - Does anyone have HP? If you do what are your experiences and comorbid conditions? Did you need any if you have a very high BMI?
on 9/28/10 1:13 am - Carlyle, IL
Topic: blue cross blue shield anthem and panni removal
Has anyone been able to get this done?
Kelli S.
on 9/27/10 7:02 am - Kalamazoo, MI
Topic: RE: Super Freaked out and nervous!
Oh yeah, even at my lowest with my PCP my BMI was still over 40. I will keep everyone posted on how it goes.

I am 27 years old, 5' and 3/4" tall. HW: 263 SW: 226 LW: 142 CW: 198

on 9/27/10 6:13 am - Midland, MI
Topic: RE: HOW DOES "SELF INSURED" affect approval
Yes, Aetna is still who approves or denies.  I am curious too, if your BMI is 62 and you have fulfilled the other requirements, I can't imagine what it must be other than the 2 year history thing.  Both my daughter and a friend of mine were denied for that exact reason 'lack of proof of obesity for the past 2 years' even though they had 3-4 years of medical history submitted !  Do you know for sure that your surgeon's office (or did your PCP submit for approval??) included your medical history proving you had a high enough BMI fo rthe past 2 years without dropping below the required BMI?


HW 300
/ SW 280 / CW 138 /
GW 140
Hit Goal 4/2/2010

on 9/27/10 5:51 am - Midland, MI
Topic: RE: Super Freaked out and nervous!
It sounds like you have everything under control!  I would definitely check with the MD from the 90 day program and ask if they are requesting your past 2 years medical records because you will need to submit them with your paperwork in order to get an approval by Aetna.  And make sure your BMI did not drop below 40 in that 2 year history !  They will deny for this also.  (or BMI of "35-39.9 with co-morbidies. 

But yes, definitely get your medical records to whomever is going to submit for approval.  Not sure if the MD from the 90 day program automatically does that or if it's something you have to initiate.  Sounds like they have a good program in place though for meeting the requirements!


HW 300
/ SW 280 / CW 138 /
GW 140
Hit Goal 4/2/2010

Kelli S.
on 9/27/10 5:35 am, edited 9/27/10 5:48 am - Kalamazoo, MI
Topic: RE: Super Freaked out and nervous!

Thanks for the information. It is 90 days, and it is done in the sugeons office through their "medical weightloss clinic" that is monitored by an MD. I have weekly classes and weigh ins that include every other week classes with the nutritionist and behaviorist (behavior modification).

Do you think it is wise to get records from my primary care doc that I have noting my weight from the past 2 years or do you think the MD from the 90 day program will get it for me?

Also do you think it makes a difference since my insurance is backed by the Teamsters Union? 

I appreciate your help!

I am 27 years old, 5' and 3/4" tall. HW: 263 SW: 226 LW: 142 CW: 198

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