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Judy could you please email it to me as well? I'd truly appreciate any help in writing my appeal. Thank you.
[email protected]
Is there any possibility that someone could help me I am trying to write an appeal letter for my abdominoplasty/panniculectomy.
thank you so much
Hello Judy! I know this is an old post, but can you share the letter with me as well? Thanks in advance!
I was 100% cash pay. My insurance did however pay any problems I had even though there was a exclusion. It's probably because they based it on another diagnosis.
I am eligible for Medicaid bc of some of the recent events. I defaulted on Buckeye but I can change.
I had RNY 7/18/08 I weighed in at 337 at my peak. 320 on surgery day. I am 12 year old eat what I want, do what I want and weigh 165ish. I actually bounce between 155-165. No bouncing since quartine.. lol
I have never had any surgery on my skin, but I been told the i can get it covered with this insurance. Anyone know anything.
I was approved for a year. (My 16 yo daughter was horrible car accident in Nov discharged from hospital end of Feb 2020, I was on fmla when they closed bc of covid. I lost all my medical everything, but we did get this so i want to take advantage of it if possible
Anyone recently been approved for surgery with Cigna insurance? I am having issues getting specific timeline requirements for monthly documented visits to my doctor, showing attempted weight loss. I've called Cigna twice and received different answers both times :/ First they told me 6 months of documented visits and the 2nd time I called they told me 89 days. So frustrating that they don't have accurate information.
I have my first appointment with the surgeon in 2 weeks and would really like to manage my exceptions on a reasonable timeline prior to the visit.
I have BCN MI and having a hard time 6000 deductible...really depressing
Do anybody have the aarp madicare advantage choice ppl lan if so what are there requirements before you can get approved for the vertical sleeve