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This is what I have learned using Tricare and getting denied:
You have to have a high BMI
You have to have at least 1 comorbidity
You have to be at least 100 pounds overweight (using the metropolitan life weight chart)
I'm 4'11" with a BMI of 42.6, weigh 212, have sleep apenea and pre-diabeties and was denied. I'm going to try to appeal but they don't make it easy.
HW 300 / SW 280 / CW 138 / GW 140
Hit Goal 4/2/2010
Have you seen a dietician at all? For the 3 month md program we were required to see a registered dietician. That has to be documented in the office visit notes of your physician that you have seen the dietician. Three of us did the 3 mo MD program and my one son did the 6 month route.
Good Luck, sounds like you are very close to getting approve!
HW 300 / SW 280 / CW 138 / GW 140
Hit Goal 4/2/2010
My out of pocket was approximately $1,800. We have a specific percentage of out the of pocket cap. So for example, my out of pocket caps out at 3% out my base salary. So last year when all three of my kids had WLS in the same year, I paid the $1880 out of pocket on my daughter. Then when it was my son's surgeries in Dec, since I had already met my maximum out of pocket, I only had to pay each of their $500 deductible and the rest was covered.
You probrably have a deductible, then a maximum out of pocket you have to pay.
All four of us (myself and my three kids) were approved by Aetna. for my sons, they were approved within 2 weeks. For myself and my daughter, we were denied at first, I filed appeals, and then it took about 30 days from the time they received the appeal to get the approval.
Are you doing the 3 month multidisciplinary program or the 6 month supervised diet?
Good Luck to you!
HW 300 / SW 280 / CW 138 / GW 140
Hit Goal 4/2/2010
Can anyone that has aetna tell me their out of pocket cost for the VSG or Bypass? I'm trying to get an estimate of what my out of pocket could possible cost so that I can prepare and have everything ready. Also how long did it take Aetna to send your approval. I'm hoping to have surgery at least by the end of march and my last nutrition visit is Feb 22...Any feedback would be helpful.
Why does my doctor keep billing me?
Q. My doctor charged $268. Tricare allowed $192.50 and sent me a check for 75 percent, or $144.38. I paid the doctor $192.50 plus the 15 percent surcharge, for a total of $221.38. Now the doctor is demanding another $46.62, making the total the amount of his original bill, and says he’ll turn my account over to a collection agency if I don’t pay. It’s my understanding that federal law doesn’t allow him to do that. What should I do?
You are correct. The doctor may not charge you more than 15 percent over the amount Tricare allowed. If he sees Medicare patients, he is aware that the Limiting Charge law applies to Medicare claims; he needs to learn that it applies to Tricare claims also.
You should send a report to the Tricare office that processed your claim. The address is on the Tricare Explanation of Benefits form. Include a copy of the EOB and any “balance due" notices from the doctor. If the doctor persists, report him again.
It is unfortunate that the law will not allow Tricare to do more than write to the doctor and explain the federal law. Beyond that, all it can do is threaten to discontinue his status as a Tricare-authorized provider and threaten to cancel his ability to participate in other federal programs such as Medicare.
The doctor may be unaware of what his billing clerk is doing. You might consider writing or talking with him about it.