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what your weights have been?
I hope they're not sticklers, but my PCP simply didn't have a weight in 2008 - only 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010. I also somehow managed to skip my ob-gyn appt in 2008. Have been racking my wee brain for two weeks and despairing... suddenly realized I'd had an ear infection in Oct 2008 and had gone to a Patient First place on a Saturday night.
None of those dates have caliper measurements, tho. I'm wondering if I should get caliper measurements on Monday to corroborate the Omron device's assessment of 43.5 % bodyfat.
Funny thing: The guy at the gym was a bit taken aback when the device's results appeared and I started jumping up and down in excitement!!! He'd offered to show me how to use it and let me take it to the bathroom to use in privacy - but I declined - too many buttons - just enter the numbers: height, weight, age, sex, then hold onto the metal handles while it runs a signal (a low degree of electricity, I think??) from one hand to the other.
I'm going to include a photo of me with my daughters and a personal letter with my PCP's letter of medical necessity.
"Orthogonal" is a word used fairly often in my extended family, so I can't really take all that much credit for it!!

I've been fat, and I've been thin - and thin is better.
There is a better way. --Alaine of Lyndar
HW: 234. SW: 228 (18 June 2015). GW: 137. Specs: 50ish, 5'4"
Isn't it amazing that *we* have to find solutions to problems professionals face every day? As in the calipers - brilliant, brilliant! (I also have to love anyone who says orthogonal in her profile!)

Has Aetna been a stickler for weight records? Sigh. I try to forget the overall idiocy of American style insurance and just provide.
I might have missed it someplace -- do you have your date? I'd love to know so I can cheer you on!
And - I've been terribly afraid that my co-morbidities just aren't bad enough (yet) at that BMI to tip me over the edge for approval.
However, I'm short and small boned (not that you'd know it right now)... and the online BMI calculators just seem so rough: height + weight, no allowances given to sex, or age, or build, let alone boob size!! So - had an epiphany tonight and stopped by my old gym to see if they had calipers - they do, but also they had a Body Logic machine by Omron, which measured me (pause here for drumroll) with a body fat of 43.5!% and 90# of fat!! (acckkk!!!) The gym guy said it was at least as accurate as calipers.
So - NOW - I think - MAYBE??? I have enough information/evidence to get approval. IF the insurance accepts body fat instead of BMI???
BUT - has anyone else been successful with using an alternate BMI measurement device to get approval??
Excited - feeling positive for the first time in MONTHS!!!
Sheri (Aetna)

I've been fat, and I've been thin - and thin is better.
There is a better way. --Alaine of Lyndar
HW: 234. SW: 228 (18 June 2015). GW: 137. Specs: 50ish, 5'4"
I used Nan's sample and within 24 hours I had approval. I tailored the letter to my medical information, took it to the doctor, he signed it and faxed to the insurance company.
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is in support of bariatric surgery for ___________. She has had a life long struggle with obesity and has attempted numerous methods of weight management without lasting results for over six years that she has been a patient with us. She has tried various weight loss methods, including Weigh****chers, Atkins, Liquid Protein shakes, GNC’s Release program, The South Beach Diet, Slim Fast, and the 6-week body makeover. She has participated in exercise programs including two memberships with CURVES, the most recent membership started in January of 2009 and still participating. ______has met several times with our dietician, and has followed recommendations for her meals. She has lost weight in some of these programs only to regain the weight and more each time. She has a strong family history of obesity, Type II diabetes, and heart disease. At this time, _____is extremely committed to pursuing bariatric surgery. ______ has been diagnosed with obesity, along with co-morbidities of Type II diabetes and acid reflux.
Her current weight is 235 pounds and height of 5’6". Her BMI is 37.9. In the past couple of years her weight has fluctuated between 216 and 235 pounds in our office. I believe that _____ is extremely motivated and knowledgeable about bariatric surgery and committed to making this a lifelong change. Her ideal body weight and weight loss goal is approximately 130 pounds. She is currently taking several medications to manage her Type II diabetes, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, acid reflux and depression. She has no known allergies.
I feel that ______ has exhausted all of the options available to her other than weight loss surgery. I find this surgery to be a medical necessity and have referred her to ________, M.D., who specializes in laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery and offers extensive pre and post operative follow-up care.
Should you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please feel free to contact me.
I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have been dealing with insurance delays and finally a denial, with no clear explanation of what they needed. I used your sample letter, put my information into it, took it to the doctor, he signed and faxed it to the insurance company and within 24 hours I had approval.
Thank you so much.
on 8/12/10 2:44 pm
Yes. Thats how it works. They may cover it, they may not. They may only cover part or a certain dollar amount. It may be specifically excluded by your employer. Until you know whether they cover it and under what cir****tances you won't get very far.
on 8/12/10 1:36 pm
As for checking with the direct I went to and searched bariatric surgery and the list of requirements did come up.
Tnx for the help:)