Approved in 2 days......Vanderbilt faxed it to CIGNA on the February 6th and Cigna called them on February 8th to tell them it was approved....I called Cigna myself just to be sure and was told it was actually approved the day it was received.....WOW! After all the horror stories ----mine was easy....I had 3 years of records, 5 months of supervised diet (even skipped one month) nutritional evaluation, psych eval, letters from my Gyn and PCP recommending it.....WALAA! I am approved!!!!
Congrats! I also have Cigna POS. Any suggestions. We started our six month diet in January and would really like to speed things up but not sure how. Did you have to go the nutritionist and psych eval before sending in for approval? Our PCP told us that he will do the six month diet and then we will need the surgeon to refer us to the nutritionist and pysch. I want to make sure that my first submit for approval is my last one. I am happy to hear that someone got approved easily from Cigna.
Well my surgeon gave me some names for my psych eval, but told me I could use anyone that I wanted....I used one from his list as they knew exactly what was needed for the insurance company. Vanderbilt told me Cigna required nutritional counseling, so I called my PCP and he got me an appointment with one here in Murfreesboro so I wouldn't have to drive to Nashville. Vanderbilt did tell me that if my PCP wouldn't refer me they would. You need both your Psych eval and the nutritional counseling before you submit, make sure you have 6 month of dr. supervised dieting. I also got a letter of recommendation from my GYN and my PCP. Vanderbilt faxed it to CIGNA on the 6th and Cigna called them on on the 8th with my approval. I called CIGNA just to here it from them and they told me I was approved on February 6th! Can you believe it! the same day it was submitted. I am waiting for my official letter then we will schedule it.
DON'T GIVE UP just make sure you have everything they require when it is submitted....don't give them a reason to deny you.... My CIGNA plan is the State of Tennessee plan.....hopefully your will go as smooth as mine.
I have CIGNA also & I've been seeing a physcian referred nutritionist for the past four months, now after reading all the posts I'm concerned that this will not be enough. I have 2 more visits w/ the nutritionist & I just don't want this time to be wasted. The nutritionist is noting everything very thoroughly she works in conjunction w/ my surgeons office but she's not a physcian so to speak. Anyone ever worked directly w/ a nutritionist & submit for approval?
I am glad to hear it was easy for you cigna fought me to the bitter end I had all my ducks in a row to I had all the same info as you ready then the battle of appeals and reappeals was on...........little did they know I don't quit that easy ... after a second denial......department of managed healthcare took my case and in 5 days the decision was overturned talk about a fight!!! keep trying all you out there cause you can beat em at their game!! I am 9 days post op RouxN y......God bless