Medicaid cover revisions?? Help!!

Jenny O.
on 9/13/05 9:41 am - Peoria, IL
Hi everyone, I haven't been on here for so long... I had an open RNY on 03/04/04 and I lost 60 pounds in three months. Then slowly I gained 13 of it back, so I only lost 47 in 18 months. Shocking, huh? How could I fail what is supposed to be the last resort? Anyway the last time I saw my surgeon, Dr. Rossi, he wanted me to see a dietician. I tried to tell him it wasn't behavioral because I was doing everything I was suppsosed to do, but he didn't believe me. So I never went back. Haven't been there in at least 6 months. But I had an upper GI in March of this year because I wanted to know why I hadn't lost any more, and it showed that my pouch was enlarged, to at least 5 cm in maximum dimension. That's about the size of an orange, instead of the egg it's supposed to be! Then, I just had an upper GI again today because I'd been having pain (that I thought was a hernia), and it shows that the contrast flowed through my defuntionalized stomach!!! So first of all, should I see Dr. Rossi again and tell him about this? Second, do you think he would do a revision? Third, I'm on Medicaid now - does anyone know of anyone being approved for a revision by Medicaid? I'm really worried about this. I have tons of health problems, including insulin-dependent diabetes, hormone deficiencies (I have to take Activella and Prometrium, and I'm only 27! long story) and hypothyroidism, which I think all contributed to my screwy innards and nothing staying where it was supposed to. But I'm really worried now. I want the revision, but will he do it? And will Medicaid cover it? I have a husband and an almost-4 year old to be healthy for. Please, any advice or thoughts at all are appreciated!! If you don't post here, please email me at [email protected]. Thank you so much!!!
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