Denial binge anyone ??
Ok so I was denied and I have to wait until open season (november) to change to an insurance that will cover the band and then can have the surgery in January or February.
I was trying to do high protein less carbs, eat less, move more. (my own personal get fit and prepare for the band plan)
But last week I just got so frustrated talking to my insurance company about the appeals process I started eating and eating lots of things that aren't really good for me.
I am trying to get back on the wagon but January seems sooooo far away... I haven't gained any yet... (mostly because I am still doing the move more part) but I am sure if I keep this up until January I will !
How can I get back in the groove ???
January is only five months away and when you think about it in our adult lifes time seems to fly by so it will go by real fast, believe me I know as I have been there and done that
Just stay busy and try not to think about your WLS and before you know it the time will be here.
Good luck

I really understand how you feel.
I went through the insurance company rollercoaster this year. I worked from February until the end of June and my denial was overturned at the beginning of July. I gained 15 lbs during that time. It is so frustrating and as we all know many of us turn to food for comfort. I mean if it was as easy as just staying busy and not trying to think about things , I myself would not have ruined by body by yo-yo dieting the last 15 years.
Hang in there...hopefully you will be approved soon.
You might want to focus on using this time to get the physician-supervised diet just in case you get one of those moronic companies that wants to delay your surgery by requiring it. You will need to get with your doctor and keep really good records. If you have Coventry, you want to document doing the diet, but not really lose too much, or they can deny you for that too!!
Good luck, at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
Oh honey.. Can we say RIBS, PIZZA, BUTTERED POPCORN, ICECREAM, PEPSI & COKE by the boatloads?? Veggies NO! Unless you count the tomato sauce on the pizza. Fruit? NO, unless you count the banana flavoring in banana flovored posicles! I figured what the HE&& if I am not going to get my way I will pout and eat. The pouting has stopped but the eating has not. Gee I wonder HOW I got to be morbidly obese in the first place?
Hey arnie
is self paying out of the question. it might be a better option for you. I don't know how you feel about surgery in Mexico but they have some really great doctors there that will do the surgery for a third of what you would pay in the US.
just a thought before you go eat yourself out of house and home.
and my prayers are with you to get the success you need