Lawyer recommendations/ warnings ??
I hired Gary Viscio and Associates to file an appeal with BCBS of IL, which from reading the board, you know is a !@#$% insurance company notorious for jerking people around. Gary got the denial reversed quickly and for a modest fee. I am very thankful to him and his associates for helping me improve my quality of life and would definatly reccomend him.
Hi do you mind if I also ask you about your experience with hiring Gary V? Reason I ask is I am seriously considering to do the same. I am also considering just going out of the country and just self-pay for it as I am tired of putting a lot of energy into the negative side of this surgery and just have it done and move forward to a healthier me.
Patt H
I tried to email you and it said you didn't want to be contacted thru this site. If you'd like to you may email me at [email protected]