Does anyone know if BCBS HMO of GA approves?
Hi everyone,
I'm a newbie. I have BCBS HMO of GA and there are no exclusions in my policy for WLS. The only thing is, there are no Baristric surgeons on my plan. There are only Gastroenterologists. I'm not having surgery with a GI who has hardly any experience. Does anyone know if they will approve a bariatric surgeon?
Please let me know.
I had the same problem, I called my insurance, which is Aetna and they had no bariatric surgeons on the list and told me to call a Gastroenterologist. I went to the Aetna website and typed in some of the surgeon's names on this website in the Atlanta area like Titus Duncan and he came up under surgeons. So sometimes they are on your plan but their names are under surgeons instead of Bariatric Surgeons.
My Bariatric surgeon is not listed under bariatric surgeons, but just as a surgeon. He was recommended to my by my PCP as "the" bariatric surgeon to see. Why not ask your PCP who he/she would go to if it was him/her. That is what I always do......... "Ok, but who would you go to if it was you or a member of your family?" He always gives me an answer prefaced with, "Well, all of the are good doctors, but if I had to go, I would go to _____"
That is how I find out who is best according to the doctors grapevine, if there is such a thing.