had greivance meeting today i hate humana
I am really mad at myself because i had every attentions of going in there being firm and to the point , my mother was there to give a back round on my family medical history h , my partner was there to explain how my everday life is and how my co morbities affect my day to day activties , there was a man there from the humana committee and a doctor that sits in on the meeting but not a part of humana ,then there was this lady who was the grievance and appeal liasions, when i first started i couldn't hold back the tears. i was so mad at my self , i just couldnt stop crying . but my mother thinks that it went well , me i don't know , because after i said everthing, then the liasion just turned she was very supportive and listened to everything we had to say, then she went staight ot policies , i did advise here that there is a difference in obese and severe obese , and morbidly obese, then i point out that my doctor sent a letter of necessity ,i just really don't know how it went , but i was not strong like i wanted to be. i did get my point across , i just hope that wls is approved.
Think positive.
There is nothing wrong with shedding tears and maybe that will open their eyes to the fact that we are real people with real feelings, not just some stupid Insurance number or a voice on the phone.
These people don't walk in our shoes and don't feel are daily pain. Not just physical pain but the emotional pain we deal with on a daily bases.
I wish every single skinny person would be forced to wear a morbidly obese body suit, not an obese suite but morbidly one for a week then they would understand and I bet you would see a lot of people getting up in arms and demanding that the insurance companies change their policies.
Keep thinking good thoughts and good things will come your way
Hugs Donna