Benefit Administrative Systems

on 11/13/04 11:12 am - Peachy State, GA
Hi AMOS, does anyone have BAS insurance?? If so can anyone help me out with the requirements to get approved for WLS. This will be my insurance in January so I'm interested in any information anyone can give me. Any suggestions or tips. Thanks in advance Shon
on 11/13/04 11:28 am - DELTONA, FL
I'm speaking on behalf of a friend who had Cigna. Your insurance might require more or less but I would have a minimum of this before you send your packet in to get approved: 6 month physician supervised diet with monthly weigh ins (preferably from your primary care physician) nutritional evaluation psychological evaluation all of the blood tests and gallbladder tests that the surgeon requires letter from primary physician stating its medically necessary list of past diets and co-morbidities I've heard that some insurance companies want to show you've been morbidly obese for 5 years at least Also, BMI of I believe 40 or 35 with a bunch of co-morbidities Whether you've actually been on the 6 mos. diet or not, its important that you have the documentation of the diet and the monthly weigh ins with counseling. If you're close with your primary doc, they might just give you the documentation. Don't be like my friend. Have all of your ducks in a row and have everything that you can possibly think of and then send in the request. If you have to go to the appeal process, it can get messy. Also, I called my insurance company and asked what they required. You should try that too. Hope this helps.
on 11/14/04 10:14 am - Peachy State, GA
Thanks Heidi
Roberta A.
on 11/15/04 3:21 am - Marietta, GA
I wouldn't bet on it, but I think BAS is a Third Party Administrator. That means they just administer the claims. You need to check your Benefit Summary Plan Description booklet.
on 11/15/04 11:01 am - Peachy State, GA
Thanks Roberta, I haven't recieved the booklet yet. Coverage doesn't start until 1/05. We were just informed about this but we haven't recieved any information. Shon
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