I wrote 60 Minutes
I felt the need to write CBS and suggest they do a story on 60 minutes about Gayle Grinds. Below is what I wrote them. Even 48 hours could do a show on this poor lady. Everyone should write in support of this as it might open the door in the law of maybe making the insurance companies change their ways. Go to the bottom and click on where is says Contact Us. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/10/02/60minutes/main576332.shtml
I'm not the best writer in the world so maybe someone else can add even more insight into this and get the message over. You hear them on 60 minutes and 48 hours all the time saying. We got so many request from our TV viewers that we had to do a show on this so maybe if enough people write in they'll do it
I would like to see a story done on Gayle Laverne Grinds, the 480lb woman who was on her couch for 6 years in FL. So many stories going around about what actually happened to this poor lady.
It can also show the world that Morbid Obesity is a rising problem in America and how it's ignored by so many. If that had been a small child, disabled person or elderly person left in their bed to rot like that everyone would have been calling for help but because this lady was Obese she was ignored by family and friends.
The insurance companies don't turn people down for open heart surgery but I see so many stories now about how Obese people are being turned down for Bariatric Surgery. If Bariatric Surgery was offered to Morbid obese people like Gayle Grinds she might still be a live. It makes me wonder how many more Morbid obese people are stuck in their homes, not able to clean themselves and get the proper care they need. Such a shame!!
Donna Chu