Helpful Info Needed on Cigna POS Through Intel Corp
Hello - I have been reading this message board for over a year learning as much as possible about navigating through the insurance game playing. Now I need some help - specifically from Intel employees and family members who have dealt with Cigna on the issues of weight loss surgery. I am preparing my first appeal package with the help of an attorney and would like to know if any of you folks have been successful in getting approval from Cigna for any kind of weight loss surgery - please include when and what type of surgery and any tips you can share with me. I am glad to do the same. Please email me privately so we can keep Cigna company lurkers away from our dialogue. Thanks so much - Syreece
Hi Syreece,
There is a wealth of information at the following link:
This is a group of people who are fighting, and some who have won the battle with Cigna. Actually, it is very feasible to get approval with Cigna. You just have to know how to play the game. If your attorney is not experienced in this area, they are wasting your money.
Good luck, and fight the good fight!