What kind of documention is Cigna looking for with my PCP???
I have my first appoitment scheduled with the surgeon on April 1. His office has already told me that I will need to be followed by my PCP for monthy visits to weigh in and attempt weight loss. I have already schedule my visit with my PCP for this Wednesday. Does anyone know what type of information Cigna is looking for? Thanks so much! Teresa ;o)
Cigna needs to see that you have been on a low calorie diet (1000-1200 calories) for 26 weeks, with at least monthly weigh ins. Your PCP needs to document that you have been complient, that you exercise several times a week, and that you are attempting behavioral changes like walking further distances, not eating in front of the TV, etc. It all must be documented in the actual chart, not just in the letter of necessity.
Fight the good fight!