BC/BS Of Ga PPO- How hard is approval?
Hi, I have a question? I have BC/BS Of Ga PPO, I called and ask them do they cover Gastric Bypass surgery. They said yes and faxed me over their requirements. They are Dietary evaluation, Psychological evaluation, medical evaluation for sugery(clearance),Proof of Diagnosic testing, and a BMI of over 40. Well I have been medically cleared by my pcp, have a Bmi of 47.3, going to my first consult with Dr. Duncan on Dec.4th, which is office will do all the diagnostic testing, and I have a diet and a Psych elevation in Dec and Jan. My concern is I was cleared of any dieabeties and high blood pressure. I go for my sleep atnea testing on Nov28th, so as of yet I don't know if that is something I have. I'm 5'0 243lbs. I have been this way for long time now. I'm thinking after I go through all of this they (insurance Company) is going to say ok why is this medically nessacery? Anyone with problems with insurance company? And when I make a list of all the complaints is that going to be enough?