Florida Medicaid - Covered?
I was just curious if anyone has had any dealings with Florida Medicaid with Gastric Bypass ??
I don't have straight Medicaid, I'm on the Medically Needy program (totally sucks). And I have to spend $1200 in a month in order to be covered by Medicaid.
Has anyone dealt with Medicaid in Florida?
I'm 5'5 (on a good day), and weigh about 260 (BMI of about 48) - I have had 2 kids in 3 1/2 years - and the weight has added on. In '99 before I got pregnant, I was a size 14 - I was never skinny, but I wasn' t in bad shape either - I exercised everyday/ran at least 3 miles/day, and was a 3 sport varsity player (and as good at it too). Now.. I don't think I could jog 1/2 mile. All the muscles that I did have in '99, have all turned to flab. I'm 23 years old, and suffer from granny arms (how sad is that?!).
I would just like to be able to get back to what I once was before the kids!
(sorry for the rattling)