Kaiser (NorCal) Stockton
Frustration doesn't begin to describe my feelings today. I am jumping through every hoop asked of me and I feel no closer to getting referred for WLS than when I started this venue a month ago.
I called my primary care Dr. He referred me to a NP for an "indepth" workup.
The NP then sent me for blood tests and to a required Nutrition class.
I had the blood tests done. Completed the Nutrition class and was made to feel like a complete failure by the nutritionist. My being 120 pounds over weight, having high blood pressure, arthritus in my shoulder, back pain that puts me in bed several days a month, knee & foot pain are not enough (according to the nutritionist) to warrant WLS. I suppose my family history of early deaths from obesity related problems wouldn't convince the nutritionist either. She came right out and said she didn't approve of weight loss surgery...."only as a last result to save someone's life."
I called my NP and asked to be sent to the next class "Gastric By-pass
Education". It's slated to be taught in Stockton on Sept. 26, 2003.
But get this...by the same nutritionist who taught the class I attended today.
According to the NIH study (which I can send you if you want), they state that the requirements for surgery are:
BMI over 40 (no co-morbidities needed)
BMI between 35-40 (as long as you have high blood pressure, and/or sleep apnea, and/or diabetest, and/or half a dozen other horrible things). I would think that being 120 lbs overweight plus having high blood pressure would be enough to get you qualified.
Don't get discouraged, believe me, I know how easy it is to get that way. Believe me. Fight them on this.
Email me if you want a copy of that study, it might be of great interest to you.
Good luck in your journey