Well as I have posted many times before, I was also slapped with the 6mo diet sh*t. Well just for the hell of it I went to CIGNA web site and looked up THEIR meaning of medical neccessity. It reads as follows"medical neccessity is a term used to refer to a course of treatment seen as the MOST HELPFUL for the specific health symptoms you are experiencing. The course of treatment is determined JOINTLY BY YOU, YOUR HEALTH PROFFETIONAL, AND CIGNA HEALTH CARE. This course of treatment strives to PROVIDE YOU WITH THE BEST CARE in the most appropriate setting". What a bunch of crap!!!! It is not decided by my dr. me and CIGNA!!! It is completely decided by CIGNA. They dont give a crap if you have a hundred Dr's saying you need wls. Provide us with the best care!?!?!? They mean the cheapest (if any) care they can get away with. I dont see them telling an alcoholic, to dry up and stay sober for 6mo then MAYBE will put you in treatment, or a drug addict to stay clean for 6mo then MAYBE will put you in rehab. But they can tell the obese go on another figgin die****ch what you eat and exercise for 6mo and MAYBE will give you a life saving surgery!!! We seriously need to look into a class action lawsuit. Our right to medical treatment is being denied and we are being descriminated against!! suggestions, help, requested please.
email [email protected] for some information you might find helpful...emailing you from here did not work for some reason.
I know exactly what you are going through! I have also been denied and I feel so frustrated!! We are submitting my 6 month supervised diet records next week. I also have letters from my urologist and rheumotologist stating that if I do not lose this weight soon I will have to have knee surgery and surgery for my stress incontinence.
I just do not know what I am going to do if they deny me again. I just don't see how they can do this to us and not see that this is leading to very serious health conditions that will become beyond repair.
Good Luck and if you come up with anything useful please email me [email protected]
Thank you.
i know what you mean. cigna has denied me and my dr requested a peer-to-peer to try to over turn there decision. we are send more paperwork next week and i will see what happens. Walter Lindstrom will fight the appeal for you. his fees are not that bad. my next step is to hire him if the peer-to-peer does not work