Appeal Letters
I have been turned down by my insurance carrier Cigna PPO. They are stating it is not medically necessary for me to have this surgery.
I am a 42 yr.old female
Weight 248 lbs.
Height 5'1"
BMI 43
Illnesses- Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Sleep Apnea, Restless leg syndrome,Foot problems, Extreme fatigue, acid reflux, dizziness.
I can't understand why they would not approve me. I have several doctors appointmnets during each month. If they would approve my surgery I could probably eliminate all those on going problems.
I have been obese since the age of 14 years old. when I was diagnosed as being moderately obese. I have dieted for all these years. Yes I lose weight but cannot keep it off. I have recently asked all of my physicians to write a letter with medical documentaion stating why they feel this surgery would be good for me. For one thing it puts diabetes in remission.
I need help in finding a standard appeal letter to submit with my medical letters of recommendation from my physicians, as I'm going to appeal this myself.
Is there any help out there? Please e-mail me at [email protected]
Deborah Gonzales