Group Policy Exclusionary clauses
I was advised by my surgeon's office that my group policy from work has an exclusionary policy regarding bariatric surgery. I would like to fight this, but don't know how to begin. Also, I don't trust the insurance company to give me accurate information as it is obvious to me that they do not intend to cover it. However, it would be cheaper for them in the long run as I have several life-threatening co-morbidities, and a 30 year history of obesity. If anyone can help me, please advise me as to my next step.
I, too, have insurance that excludes the coverage of WLS. I am in the process right now of fighting it. DO NOT trust anything that the insurance company tells you. They are looking out for their own interest - not yours. One thing you might check is if the policy excludes the treatment of "obesity" or "morbid obesity". I am morbidly obese and my attorney thinks that might be a loop-hole. Also, have a legal professional review your policy. Many will do the initial consultation at no charge to see if you have a case. A lot of times, a letter from an attorney is all it takes!
Good luck!
Alice Ann