Insurance Denial

Fran J.
on 6/10/03 4:24 pm - Plantation, fl
Hello my name is Fran Johnson and I have Vista HMO I have been through the ringer with this insurance company. It all started in 2/03 I went to see a doctor about the surgery, I was advised that I was a perfect person for the surgery I went through all the testing that I needed to submit to the Vista. The day before they were going to send the paper work I received a letter from Vista stating that they are pulling HCA hospital contract by the 15th on march. Guess what the hospital that I was going to have surgery at was included in the cancellation of the contract. I was soooooooooooooo upset and cried for 2 days. After pulling myself together I started seeking another doctor for the surgery. In april I went to see another doctor and he is at a hospital under my insurance. The problem was that most of my labs and tests were past 30 days old so I was advised I would have to do all the testing over.. Not happy about that. Well I ended up with all the information I needed to submit to Vista. The middle of may the paper work was sent and by june 2 I was DENIED for not a covered benifit...... I am at a loss I really need help to appeal this Denial. If anyone can help I was be more then blessed. Thank You Fran Johnson Plantation Florida
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