help insurance says no!
I have tried everything to get my insurance to cover weight loss surgery.
I had FOUR doctors write letters explaining the NEED of this surgery due to severe health need.
I was informed that my husband employer is an self-insured company. I contacted the insurance company to explain that this was medically needed not cosmetic. THey said they would send the request to the medical director.
I received a letter from my husband's employers saying that the insurance's medical director informed them that they never cover this surgery, and that the medical complications outweigh the complications I am dealing with now. I had TWO doctors write letters rebuting that. I called the insurance company the insurance company said that the medical director NEVER looked at it, that the wording of the policy wouldn't allow them too. I also found pages of approvals of other people who have had this surgery, and covered by the insurance company that I was informed NEVER covered this kind of surgery. When I called my husband's insurance company again, they said I misunderstood, and that I should resumbit it to them. HOW can I get them to strike the language in the policy and get this insurance company to cover this surgery????!!!!!!!!
thank you
kathy warns
[email protected]
It seems as if it may be time to equip yourself with one of the very beneficial obesity attorneys so he can make them see what is truly necessary here. It seems as if your company/insurance wants to stall...i can't believe he had the nerve to say that the complication of surgery outweighs that of being morbidlyt obese..most likely this is coming from a skinny idiot...i can't stand when insurance companies/employers can be so insensitive...