Employer has not selected WLS as a benefit
Even though my insurance covers WLS, my employer must select that as a benefit. Unfortunately, they haven't. I'm looking for any suggestions of how to go about handling this. It took a lot of consideration for me to decide for sure that WLS was for me. Now that I am eager and ready to go forward, I run into this brick wall. I am so angry because I feel like my life-long dream of being healthy and thin is being stripped away. Please offer any advice you may have. I am planning on going and talking to my employer, but for some reason, I'm not feeling very optimistic about it. I feel so desperate and this is not like me to feel this way. Help!!
Hi Debbie!!
Isn't it frustrating?? In my opinion, I would approach your employer and explain the situation as best as you can. Tell them that this procedure has been recommended by your doctor, but upon further investigation, you learned that it hasn't been selected as a covered benefit. They would cover a knee replacement right? Diabetic needs? Probably. Heart surgery, hopefully. So, this is no different. It's saving your life. Ask them what would happen if they did accept it as a covered benefit, would everyone's premium's increase? Just speak openly with your HR dept or boss and hopefully the two of you can work it out. I'll keep you in my thoughts....Best of luck