Insurance Question*HELP
I'm in the finally stages of meeting my requirments for my insurance company so I can have the Lap-Band surgery performed. The question I have is insurance will only cover 50% and I know that is great being that some people have no coverage but can I request that they cover more? Can I give them a Letter of Necessity from a family doctor? Any advice is grealty appreciated.
I just wanted to say something since 71 people have read your post yet left no reply of any sort. Anyways I have not had any surgeries done but when I looked into it years ago my doctors office was going to take care of everything with my surgery. Maybe you can call your insurance company or ask at your doctors office staff who does the insurance claims etc to look into it for you to make sure your getting everything you can from your insurance. Good luck I hope they cover it all! Mine would pay for it all but $5000 a few years back but now that I REALLY want to do it my insurance has changed & I'm not covered at all!
My insurance company's website provides pricing in other cities so I could shop around. I found an accredited surgeon who's billing dept agreed to accept what my insurance will pay, so there will be no balance for me to pay except my hospital admissions. For instance my insurance said they would pay 26-29k for Dr. A in City A, and 24-27k for Dr B in City B. I called Dr. B and asked what they charge for RNY -28500.00, I explained my insurance would only cover u to 27k and would they except that amount. Yes, they said they would. And since they will accept full insurance amount, I have no co-pay. The Dr. office will bill my insurance 27 k and the amount the insurance pays is what Dr. will accept.. Alway ask your insurance company and Dr. billing department.