Starting any weight loss surgery with Tricare?

on 7/21/11 3:00 am - San Antonio, TX
 I want to start this process,what I am supposed to do first? I went to seminar. Do I need to make an appointment with my primary care? Or should I try to let this surgeon staff to call tricare ? I don't know how to start  this process with tricare. I have GERD,fatty liver,back problems,PCOS etc. I am over  70 lbs my weight now. I tried many years to see different dietitians and I am currently seeing a psychologist in regards my weight. Any suggestions and answers will be appreciated it.
Thanks! I am stained in Ft Sam Houston San Antonio for now.
on 7/22/11 9:29 am - Germany
 The first thing you should have done was gone to your PCP. He/she needs to put in a referral for the WLS. Then there is the seminar. They take your information and will give you a call for the first consult. Then things should get going from there. 

I'm not sure how things are Ft. Sam but here at campbell they have their own Bariatric clinic at BACH. So things have been pretty easy to get done. Everything in one building.

I just finished up all my things I needed to do and now I'm just waiting for the Dr to get back from deployment to get a date. 
Proud army wife and mom of 2 ♥       
on 7/22/11 2:39 pm - San Antonio, TX
 Thank you so much. I just went to my primary care dr today and she put a referral so I have to wait :(
on 8/9/11 12:45 am
Where you ever approved through Tricare? If so what did they require? I am wondering as I am also going for a referal today. PS: I am Tricare Prime.

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