Insurance Help! Post Self-Pay VSG
I've just lost my medical coverage and had a self-pay VSG last month (Mexico).
As I'm looking at purchasing a new policy, the all ask about pre-existing conditions.
If I tell them about my VSG, is is an automatic 5 year ban from getting insured?
Do I stay quiet to get approved? My PCP doesn't even know I've had it so it's not on any of my medical records here
I just want to know what my options are to get insured.
I don't know if it's an automatic 5 year ban or not, but if you don't tell them, and they some how find out, you run the risk of having to pay back all of your medical expenses on that plan. If I were you I would be honest about the surgery.
P.S. How was your experience in Mexico? I was considering it myself because of my high deductible (10k). How much did you end up paying, including airfare and hotel?
With almost every carrier, it is an automatic denial. There are options in almost every state though that can help you get coverage. Many states already have what's called a risk pool that's basically coverage for what most carriers consider "Uninsurable because of high risk for expense." There are also some really good options available now in what's called scheduled benefit plans for health coverage.
In no case, should you not report your procedure or preex conditions because they will find out sooner or later and the results of that can be devastating ranging from repayment of the monies the carrier paid to legal civil action to criminal prosecution.
If you would like, i can refer you to someone in your area who can help review your situation, or I would love to help you personally with finding the best carrier and coverage options you have available for your situation and area. My email is [email protected] and my skype is myrl lawrence.
Best Regards,