Help with Insurance Company Issues
A conversion from lapband to RNY was denied by CIGNA. It's a long story but the denial was because the insurance compamny doesn't think I was successful enough with the lapband. My doc has scheduled three appointments with the insurance company doctor to discuss. This doctor is supposed to call my doc. I discovered this morning that the insurance company doctor has not called my doc now for the third time when they've had a scheduled appointment. I think they are stonewalling the entire process.
I don't know what steps to take next. I called the insurance company today and all the docs and nurses that schedule these calls weren't in so there isn't anything I can do untl Monday. Does anyone have suggestions about what steps I can take next? My husband is going to call the State of Vermont Benefits office and ask them to intervene and or file a complaint.
CIGNA covers revision of a previous bariatric surgical procedure or conversion to another medically necessary procedure due to inadequate weight loss as medically necessary when ALL of the following are met:
Coverage for bariatric surgery is available under the individual’s current health benefit plan.NOTE: Inadequate weight loss due to individual noncompliance with postoperative nutrition and exercise recommendations is not a medically necessary indication for revision or conversion surgery and is not covered by CIGNA.
• There is evidence of full compliance with the previously prescribed postoperative dietary and exercise program.
• Due to a technical failure of the original bariatric surgical procedure (e.g., pouch dilatation) documented on either upper gastrointestinal (UGI) series or esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), the individual has failed to achieve adequate weight loss, which is defined as failure to lose at least 50% of excess body weight or failure to achieve body weight to within 30% of ideal body weight at least two years following the original surgery.
• The requested procedure is a regularly covered bariatric surgery (see above for specific procedures).
Thanks. I am really thankful for your reply. My problem is they are saying I wasn't fully compliant with my other doc. This is because he was abusive and I just couldn't bear to go see him anymore. My doc is trying to do a peer to peer review. I'll let you know what happens. I am really down right now.
Get copies of your old records - there should still be documentation in the record of compliance with food and exercise plans etc which it sounds like what they are looking for. If the records do not refect this, do you have your own copies (food and exercise diariries) for the time frame in question to show that you were compliant with the program and still failed to lose weight.
Thanks. I am really thankful for your reply. My problem is they are saying I wasn't fully compliant with my other doc. This is because he was abusive and I just couldn't bear to go see him anymore. My doc is trying to do a peer to peer review. I'll let you know what happens. I am really down right now.
If this is the case the ins co is kinda right. It is YOUR responsibility to either stand up for yourself and not tolerate the abuse or find medical care elsewhere. Avoiding it all is not the way to go. I assume you are seeing another doctor now?
Anyway, it was a learning process. If I am able to have the surgery, I know now that I am ready in every way.
I do have another insurance company I can try. I'm currently under my husbands insurance. I can choose my employers insurance. We are going to give it another two weeks for my doc and CIGNA's doc to talk. Then I am switching to MVP. MVP's rep for my company said the surgery would be covered.
It's been 10 weeks since the initial denial that this has all be transpiring. Thanks for listening and for your advice and support. I appreciate it.