OK just thinking ........?????
I am sure everyone knows that I am appealing the insurance companies decission on saying my surgery is an exclusion on my health insurance policy is not a treatment decission but contractual. Now I have a curious question and really wonder if this maybe a solution to the issue.
I have been in touch with other health insurance companies and have been quoted a price of 300/month premiums and gaurenteed coverage for the wls and all possible problems associated with it.
Now my question is this.
If I keep my current group health insurance at work and pay one yr in advance for the suplimental coverage ($3600.00) . Which translates to getting the surgery done for 3600.00 and gaurenteed coverage is it worth it if I can afford to that.
The insurance company has a 30 waiting period for preexisting conditions but after that I am covered for every thing.
Opinions,comments, views are welcome on this topic. Specially those that have fist hand knowelege of insurance industry.
Ciao from baltimore
It's actually pretty easy. I used to do it all the time for my patients when I worked at a WLS center.
Good luck!
RNY 6/3/05