PCP Letter?
Bxample-letter of M edical Necessitv
Re! Name;
Address! City/state/zip:
Insurance: Policy #
Cerritkate/ 1D#:
Group#: Group Name:
To W hom It M ay Concem :
I am v/ritjng tlzis lettor in support of a medically necessary procedure for my atient . for
slzrgical management of morbid obesity, precisely the Roux en Y Gastrio Bypass procedure.
Sho is a 49 yeat-old woman wNo has a long history of morbid obessq'. She t1y is rnorbidly cbesc
(ICD-9 278.01) With a weight of pottnds and a Body Mass fncl (B5t() Of , Ms.
has maintAîned a BM .I of ove.r 45 for the past 35 years. Under me ical supervision witttàjn tlw
Kaîser, Cigna. Oxford. and BCBS lzraltll systrms, M s. ...- haô h&d mul ple attempts with various
weighf loss strategits. multiple diet.s and exereise programs (iqcluding a doctor pervjsed low-calorie dieq
dtactor supervised use of flle dfug M erjdian lvctlz a low-calerie cliet, W eight W a hers, Jeaay Craig, low-fat
diet, TOPS, ' ' t. ' ' ' ey*s 11 alt.h cl octor s ' - se plwt ' d & number
of othe.r diets) aa a . m 1 e weig hese pts a e Iover 2 ears nd a11 have
been unsucces ' s, m a' i a p e kgh
M s. . ttl orb' ' a g qit
-v. (currentlyusing CPAPI, bigh blood preésure, ohronic lower back paitl. osteoartlultis ln r knees and artkles, stress
jnctmtiaence, depression (th&t i,s exasperated by he..r obesity), slmrtnrss uf br th with exertion, astkma,
gastzo esophageal reflux disease IGERDI a11 which I beiieve will be relieved or ignificantly improved with
surgical management of her obeskty.
A disoussion wts helll wlth the patie'nt describing tho procedtu'e, includin inclk tioasv complications, ! risks
and bellefits, Tllis surgery is nece-ssary to reduce wright and thereby, achlcve i rovement or resolution of
tlle above-mentiorted co-morbid condltions, Sm'gicas treamzent is only conssde.r d for tlzose padents wittl a
BMl grtmter ttmt 40 kg/m2 (100 lbs, Above ideal body weight). Tlmse gutdeline are in uccordance with the
reçommendations of the NIEI Consensus Development Coaference Statement . d Clinical Guidelines, t.he
American Obesity Association/ Shape-up Amerka; the American Heut Associ ion, and the W orld Hzaltll
Orsanization, Titis surgevy is not cosrnotiç stuw ry, but ratlle.r a life saving s gery. Lonptmrm results
following surgica) treatment ha#e been documented to be excellent, wit.h most atieats achieving a wdght
less (
.3f at least half of their excess body weight and improving or resolviag man of their obesity rdated comorbidBased on ttm degtee of obesity and the mssociated conditioas described above, fed that this patient is an
appropriate carldidate for ttle sroegical procedure, Rou en y (Jastric Bypass f r slzrgical management of
morbid obesîty.
(Physician's Name and Signatlzre) l
D ate
(This should be on the phpicianrs letterhead)
D ate:
Rç: Jane D oe
Patient's DOB.'
Jallö Doe has been a patient since January 1999
. Shc is m orbidlyobese arld has a BIVII of >58. She has tried several diet prog
zram swhich she could not tolerate.
Patient has several co-m orbid conditions which she has suffercd
for the past yeazs. Patient curzently takes m edications A
, B, C, D .atient is aczve artd has been working as a XYZ but is unable to
reach her full potential due to her m orbid obesity
.In my opinion patient would greatly benefit from weight reduction
surgery in addition to preventing secondary complications which
m ay arise i.rl the fllttwe due to hez weight. Pt
. is therefore m edicallycleared for bariatric surgery.
N.!D Signature