Calling Experienced Insurance claims/coding persons.......
Could you please share your opinions regarding COMPLICATIONS and billing post-op? Here's the scenario--I am self-paying for a VSG despite the fact that 8 months ago I could have had my insurance cover RNY or Lap. I understand that I will be responsible for any costs associated with complications that are coded as such resulting from my surgery. BUT, I'm wondering how can the insurance company prove that something is a direct complication of the surgery and for how long after the surgery can it be considered a complication?
Here are my specific scenarios: If I were to become dehydrated immediately following the surgery (not uncommon) and receive fluids in the ED, I can see that claim being denied due to complication of non-covered procedure. How about an esophageal stricture 6 months out? Those happen to the unsleeved, how would they prove that it is a surgical complication? Another one would be a duodenal ulcer 3 years post-op? (I've seen several postings about that lately..........)
What do you think--covered or not, and would it come down to the wording the MD used in chart notes?
Sorry so long............thanks for reading and providing feedback!
Here are my specific scenarios: If I were to become dehydrated immediately following the surgery (not uncommon) and receive fluids in the ED, I can see that claim being denied due to complication of non-covered procedure. How about an esophageal stricture 6 months out? Those happen to the unsleeved, how would they prove that it is a surgical complication? Another one would be a duodenal ulcer 3 years post-op? (I've seen several postings about that lately..........)
What do you think--covered or not, and would it come down to the wording the MD used in chart notes?
Sorry so long............thanks for reading and providing feedback!
Maintain daily activity levels and practice clean eating........still battling some unhealthy behaviors!
I am not a coder or claims person but you can read about my complications on my page from a year ago. Doc said it didn't have to do with band surgery, I think that is BS but my ins did pay for everything minus deductible and a few odd bills here or there. I was cash pay for band, it is excluded from my policy but, they did cover what happened after. Still am not sure what happened so $10,0000 down the drain