Tricare Standard
Has anyone gotten Tricare approval for a Sleeve Gastrectomy? Lapband is not feasible for me because I have a hiatal hernia that would create problems. Gastric bypass seems to have too many negatives. The Sleeve seems to be the best option at the moment. I am wondering if there is any chance to get Tricare to approve it.
Tough choices, but I also will not have a procedure as serious as WLS that I do not want. The daily consequences are too serious.
Good luck in your search.........and if you do find information to the contrary of what I've posted, please contact me!
Maintain daily activity levels and practice clean eating........still battling some unhealthy behaviors!
The current doctor I saw said that banding with a hernia would be too risky and that he would not do it even with a repair that area would be weaker and I would end up with too many complications. Besides my bmi is 64 which puts me way up there, I weigh 3 times what I should weigh. So my chances of success with a lapband is not as good as someone with less weight and the risk is higher. I also suffer from acid reflux and sleep apnea. At this point I am not sure what I am going to do. I don't have the funds to pay the co-pays but then again I am uncertain whether surgery would be the prudent way to go. I really don't want to make my health problems worse.