My approval
Not sure, I would have to see the exact wording. Is this a new policy, does this policy contain a pre-existing clause? If it does then you would need to provide proof of prior covereage in order for this procedue to not be considered pre-existing. When you doctor sends in the information for the surgery the company only reviews it to make sure it is considered " medically necessary" it does not take into account any other plan provisions you may have. I hope I have not confused you, if you have any other questions let me know.
Well they approved my surgery but the letter said something like "we will not process further claims untill you fill out this paper work" and then it had a question " have you had advice, treatment or taking medications for anything 3 months prior to having your insurance. I said no because the only thing i did was see my NUT and she just wrote my weight down and asked me what I was eating.