Insurance - United HealthCare 5year wt requirement
I am in the final stage of completing my package and everything has went smoothly until now! The dr's office is asking for a 5 year weight history.....I have a doctor I have been seeing since 1997 and she is going to give them the copies of the notes, but sometimes I did not see her every year, I missed 04, 05 and 07, but saw her in 03, 06 and 08. I have United Healthcare, can anyone share their experiences with United Healthcare and the 5 year weight requirement.....does it have to be consecutive?
Hi neitha...I have UHC as well and had to supply this. Since I had switched doctors 2 yrs ago, I supplied my PCP with annual weight records from my corporate fitness center and he used that in the letter he provided for UHC. Unfortunately, my UHC experience has not been great. They denied my original request and have denied 2 subsequent appeals. I have had to involve my corporate advocacy group to intervene, since I meet the requirements as defined in our medical plan, but the UHC reviewer still keeps saying I don't have coverage. My surgeon had a teleconference with them yesterday and really can't understand what's going on. According to my company's plan, I needed a BMI at or over 40 for 5 years or over 35 with any of the listed co-morbidities. My BMI has fluctuated between a low of 35 (while I was participating in a medically supervised fast for 6 months 4 yrs ago) and 42 over the past 5+ years. I have 2 of the listed co-morbidities. There is no reason I am being denied, other than UHC keeps quoting the >40 BMI clause. My surgery was scheduled for September 9th and mere days before it had to be cancelled because of this. Try to make sure you have all of the requirements based on your insurance plan book.....I'd hate for anyone else to go through what I'mj going through.....GOOD LUCK!!!!
United Health Care is a bunch of ding dongs. The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. I sent my appeal off with a study package to get the sleeve gastrectomy , I sent it 3 day mail with confirmation. The package arrived but it mysteriously disappeared. So today i got on the phone and gave them a piece of my mind after 30 days and told them if something wasn't done soon i was going to contact the insurance commission of Maryland, my congressman, my lawyer, and OPM. So don't get your hopes up too soon with one of the worse insurance company bullies out there. I am changing as soon as I finish up my surgery if i get it. If not they are history. Your 5 year weight history just has to be that you have been overweight for 5 years with your doctor it doesn't have to be consecutive they excepted that part of mine.