Any recent success with cigna approval?
They held the authorization as pending for a couple of weeks and then said that the doctor's office didn't send in my 6 month diet, nutritionist information, and the recommendation letter from my PCP -- which they did.
Once they received information again, they still denied it, saying it wasn't "medically necessary". My doctor then contacted the medical director who decides whether it's medically necessary or not... did a peer-to-peer review... and in a matter of days, the denial was overturned.
Cigna does not seem to have it together with their computer systems. If the doctor's office faxes the paperwork to the main authorizations department, there are several channels the file has to go through before it even makes it to the Health Services department.
My advice after your paperwork is sent in? Call every day.
Write down the date, the time, the person's name you talk to... and get a status update. As I was told by one of the representatives at Cigna (a very nice one that I never managed to get again), they work faster when the patient is calling and pestering them.
I sure as heck did. Called every single day. Sometimes twice. My doctor's office submitted my paperwork on 08/16/08...was denied on 09/02/08...and approved via appeal 09/08/08.
All of this might be things you already know, but anyway, I wish you good luck!!
Lynn76 do u have a date now?
That's great that you have a date for your consult. I've tried for this surgery off and on for 8 years and finally did everything right this time :)
I have a date -- Sept. 25th -- but my problem now is that my doctor's office is requiring $3000 for a deposit on what the insurance won't pay. I have no idea how I'll be able to round that up by Monday... Tuesday, at the latest. I certainly don't want to have to do any rescheduling. I'm scared something will happen and the insurance will change their minds!
*nods* It really does! I'd hoped my MIL would help out until I could pay her back in two months, but she doesn't agree with the surgery, so won't help. I've got a matter of like 3 days to have the money in, so I'm really hoping my 4wheeler sells on Craigslist :)
My doctor is out of network, so I'm being forced to pay a little more out of pocket. Unfortunately, I can't just switch physicians without going through another approval process and I'm too scared to try it. Personally, I think they should give me some sort of break since I'm in a "network unavailable" area.
Not very far out. It was the 16th when I found out I was approved and she gave me 2 dates... the 25th and October 2nd. The "elgible dates" on my approval letter from Cigna gave roughly 30 days to have the procedure done... Between Sept. 8th and October 10th.
Not sure what happens if I can't get the funds together....