6 month diet question?
Okay I originally had one insurance that required 3 months with a nutritionist, then after that i got Cigna which required 6 months of supervised visits and they agreed to use the 3 with my nutritionist and I was to follow up with 3 more consecutive months with my PCP. I have done that and now my surgeon leaves the practice. I go to his referral and they tell me no these last three months were supposed to be with the nutritionist not your PCP? Now they are telling me I have to do 3 more months. What is going on here? I got my weight, vitals, height and we discussed diet and excercise at every visit. Now I feel like they are wasting my money and giving me the run around. Can anyone tell me what their visits consisted of for their 6 month physician supervised diet?
Let me ask you something, I have started my 6mo diet in March...my pcp keeps telling me that my 6mo will be up in August. The financial advisor at my WLS surgeons office keeps telling me that they count from the first month....so that would put me at Aug too. But then the surgeon tells me that from March to April is 1 month, April to May is the 2nd month...and so on. So that would me that my last month would be sept...right. March 2 April 1mo, April 2 May 2mo, May 2 June 3mo, June 2 July 4mo, July 2 Aug 5mo, Aug 2 Sept 6mo....is this right. I am so confused though.
My office deals with Cigna all the time and they accept the combonation you are talking about. Unless you have a very specific policy that says supervised diet must be with the PCP, you should not have to do it. Regular Cigna criteria would allow both. You should ask your doc to submit what you have and while you are waiting for an answer from Cigna, continue to see your PCP for continued diet visits just in case. You have 180 days with Cigna to appeal a denial, so it wil lnto hurt you to submit now. Just make sure everything else is in there, nut eval, psych, letter from your PCP and 2 year weight history. If they deny, you will only have to complete your diet and submit your appeal.
Good luck!