Gary- Untited Health Care exclusion
Maria you need to find out if your United Healthcare I assume is through your employer or spouses employer. You need to find out from the Human Resources department at the employer if this policy is a fully insured or self insured policy. You might have a better chance with fighting it if the policy is self insured policy were if you appeal to your employer to overide the exclusion and they have the insurance make an acception
Hi Vicki, I have Anthem BCS through my employer in Connecticut. My employer did not pick up the rider. Policy is I guess fully insured but my employer will pay for hospital deductibles and deduct. for MRI and the like. I am very ambivilant as to hire Atty Viscio and fight this exclusion. I would have to borrow the money to hire him. Is it worth doing, don't know! Very risky investment.
Thanks for your time and info.
if a policy is self insured a employee can file an appeal with the employer to make an exception and have the insurance approve but if its fully insured policy an employee doesnt have that option
Gary did say he could help me but I'm very skeptical and don't want to waste my money that I need to borrow in the first place. I did get some feedback from former clients of his and it was all positive. However, none of them had an exclusion.
Thank you again,
Do you know what CPT code that Tricare will approve for the vertical sleeve gastrectomy (only, no duodeneal switch)?
It states on their web site that it is covered, then they say code 43843 (surgeons office submitted) isn't covered. I don't have access to codes so need some help. The last CS person I spoke too said the procedure is covered but wrong code, to call back with different codes and he will tell me if allowed or not. I appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks