Virginia Medicaid...anyone have it and get approved for WLS?
VSG on 04/03/14
Ok, so I have Virginia Medicaid and I am wanting to have WLS. My doctor also wants me to have it. I have a few questions for anyone who can answer:
1- Did Virginia Medicaid approve your surgery?
2- What did you have to do to get the approval?
3- How long did it take to get the approval?
4- If they did not approve it, why?
5- How long does it take to get an answer one way or another?
6- Do they require a 6 month medically supervised diet?
7- What will they consider an acceptable diet? Meaning WW, Slim Fast, Atkins, etc...
8- Will Virginia Medicaid the Lap-Band?
9- If they do, will they cover the fills, or are they out of pocket expenses?
10- Will Virginia Medicaid cover the VSG (sleeve) or is it considered to new and experimental?
11- Will Virginia Medicaid cover the DS (the Switch)?
12- If they do, will they cover the necessary supplements if your doctor writes a script for them, or are they out of pocket expenses?
I'm sorry I'm asking so many questions. I have called and just get a generic answer "Every case is different." But i would think that there are basic guidelines that ALL Medicaid has to follow. I don't know. Can anyone help? Thanks!!