Employer changing Providers 1 day after scheduled surgery
Aetna approved me for DS surgery and the surgery is scheduled for 6/30/08 my employer will have Horizon bc/bs of Nj as of 7/01/08. The coordinator told me the surgeon is booked up so my date can not be book sooner. Aetna also approved me for 4 days in the hospital is Horizon obligated to "grandfather this approval from Aetna? Does anyone know?
Thank You for your reply and good wishes. I have. come so far and had to fight a bit to get the surgery I wanted. I opened up my paycheck on friday and I see a memo stating our insurance is changing as of 7/1 and my surgery is scheduled 6/30. It. was late in the afternoon on a Friday.I could not get any answers about this. It felt like a huge blow!!! Did you have a similar experience or did you know someone who did? Dori
My cousin did. She wasn't having WLS but she was going in to have her labor induced. She was having twins and her employer was changing providers Jan 1, and she went in on Dec 30th! Also my mother works in HR benefits. She also stated that the provider at the time of your hospital stay is responsible for covering your bills (whatever your policy states it will pay). I hope this will put you at ease. Take care!