Appeals and Hearing Division Tricare Management
I'm not sure what your insurance is like. I just faxed my paperwork with my appeal letter to the moderator for my level 2 appeal hearing. It will be June 25th via conference call. I am permitted to talk for 10-15 minutes and they will be able to ask me questions. They say it is informal, but I'm nervous. I was told I will receive an answer 5 days after they make a decision, but it didn't say how long they have to make a decision. Good luck with your. Have you found out anything?
Sorry, my insurance is Aetna HMO. I know exactly what you mean. They had everything they wanted, except the nutritionist consult.I got that and was waiting to send it in until they told me what to do and I get notified that I've been denied again, sooooo now I'm at this level. I really wish you all the best.
PS- do you get jealous and depressed when you see these posts..."GOT APPROVED... GOT MY DATE..." I do, but boy I can't wait to be able to do that, IF I'm ever going to be able to do that
I will send this as a reply also.
How have you been Carolyn? I have not seen you on the boards lately. I did get news Friday the 20th, but was waiting to see if you heard anything. I did get approved and my surgery is scheduled for Monday Jusy 14th. I started my s week South Beach diet today and go for pre-ops, UGI and consult with the dietician tomorrow.
I really pray you have good news.
My screen name Codeebrown1 is from work. I am an RN in the operating room (where I will have my surgery), well, have you heard about code blue and code red for cardiac arrest and fire? Well, my patient's all seemed to have BM's for a period of time, so they started to call me the "S--T magnet". Well, I was just getting onto computers then and was trying to come up with a name, and they came up with Code Brown, which is a little nicer for online than S--T magnet.
Hope you are well.