UHC PPO Question / Rant
I have UHC PPO and was approved Wednesday for my surgery. Here's the question / rant. According to my policy, Morbid Obesity treatment is covered at 50% and treated as non-network, although you are required to have the procedure done in-network. Plus, it also says that it doesn't count towards my yearly out of pocket maximum. How screwed up is this? If you are a drug addict or an alcoholic, UHC will pay for 3 treatments paying at our regular 70% with costs counting towards your yearly out of pocket...but if you're obese...it will only pay once and only at 50%. I guess they are not aware of the costs of obesity and obesity related diseases.
Anyway, here's the question. If you have UHC and have similar wording inyour policy, what did you end up paying? I was told by my surgeon that mycost would only be my yearly out of pocket max, but since morbid obesity treatment doesn't count towards that, will I be paying half of the regular cost? We're still working on it with the surgeon's office, but it's beginning to stress me out.