Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois
To be considered eligible for benefit coverage of bariatric surgery for treatment of morbid obesity, the following three criteria must be met:
A. A diagnosis of Morbid Obesity, defined as:
- Body Mass Index (BMI) of greater than or equal to 40 kg/meter squared; OR
- BMI greater than or equal to 35kg/meters squared with at least two (2) of the following co-morbid conditions which have not responded to maximum medical management and which are generally expected to be reversed or improved by bariatric treatment:
- Hypertension,
- Dyslipidemia,
- Diabetes Mellitus,
- Coronary heart disease, and/or
- Sleep apnea.
B. At least a five-year history of Morbid Obesity supported by medical record documentation.
C. It is expected that appropriate non-surgical treatment should have been attempted prior to surgical treatment of obesity.
Non-surgical treatment of morbid obesity appropriateness criteria:
- Medical record documentation of active participation in a clinically-supervised, non-surgical program of weight reduction for at least 6 months, occurring within the twenty-four (24) months prior to the proposed surgery and preferably unaffiliated with the bariatric surgery program. NOTE: The initial BMI at the beginning of a weight reduction program will be the “qualifying” BMI used to meet the BMI criteria for the definition of morbid obesity used in this policy.
- A program will be considered appropriate if it includes the following components:
- Nutritional therapy, which may include medical nutrition therapy such as a very low calorie diet such as MediFast or OptiFast OR a recognized commercial diet-based weight loss program such as Weigh****chers, Jenny Craig, etc.
- Behavior modification or behavioral health interventions.
- Counseling and instruction on exercise and increased physical activity.
- Pharmacologic therapy (as appropriate).
- Ongoing support for lifestyle changes to make and maintain appropriate choices that will reduce health risk factors and improve overall health.
I am still in the approval process. It is has been a little journey. One recomendation is when you do the six month physisian assited diet, get a nutritional consults as well. I truned my stuff in and the insurance company requested a nutritional consult. Luckily for me I was just diagnosed Type II diabetic and was in diabetis education wi*****luded a nut consultation with a registered diatitian. Also, they requested a cardio clearence and pulmonary cleareance due to history of cardiomypathy and asthma. I got those and they were turned in on Tuesday. So hopefully I will hear somthing soon and they will not put it off anymore.