BCBS of CA is now Anthem???
I'm so WORRIED. My info should be submitted to insurance for approval this week. Tonight I decided just to log onto the insurance website to see what else I owe from the many doctor appointments. The website popped up and instead of BCBS of CA, it's now Anthem Blue Cross. Surely things regarding my plan haven't changed right? I'm just so worried that I'll get a denial since it's freshly after a change....and a change I wasn't even aware of.
Oh I hate this worry....ugh.
Just to let you know you policy has not changed unless you were given notice. All that changed was the name and actually all this took place and hands over 3 years ago. Wellpoint and Anthem merged as one . I have BCBS CA also and I have been a 30 year employee of Anthem/Wellpoint and medically retired from there.
But everything is the same
I also have BCBS of CA, now Anthem, and would like to know if you had to undergo 6 months of non-surgical weight loss attempts with PCP before being approved? Did they also require you to see a nutritionist during that time? I went to my first appointment today (been waiting since January), only to be told since I have "out of state insurance" (I live in North Carolina and my insurance BCBS of CA) I would have to have the documentation.
Hey Jennifer. I also live in NC and have this insurance. My surgeon pulled all the paperwork together and sent it but this is what I remember having to get together...
Full physical from your PCP and surgery clearance.
Pyschilogical evaluation
Nutritionist appointment
5 years of documented weight (which was just 5 years of records from my doctor showing my weight)
Upper GI exam
My paperwork was faxed over and received on a Friday morning and I was approved by Tuesday. I was told it could take up to 30 days since my insurance was out of state but it was within days!
I wish you the best of luck, as soon as I knew they sent my paperwork I gave it a day and then called to insure they had everything they needed to do the review. You'll want to make sure they do have everything necessary so you aren't left with something additional that costs you some time.
Let me know how it goes...