Needing help finding insurance coerage
I have decided on wls and am currently interviewing for jobs. I ave an interview for part time at home depot and i am wondering if anyone knows if their part time workers get approval for surgery. I guess the full time and part time benifits differ. I dont think going to an interview and asking this question is a good idea dughhh. Anyway i am also interviewing for fred meyer and i do know that part timers have the surgery covered. I guess starbucks covers as well but if anyone can help I live in Oregon and only want to work at a place that will cover the surgery so I dont want to waste their time or mine. I am not only working for surgery i will keep the job indefinatley. Any help is appreciated. Christina
Theres more places than that then you think. I work at a credit union and their insurance covers it also. There are state jobs too! I used to work at Home Depot. Their part-time insurance will not cover it because its through united health care and its very limited. They do have Blue cross blue sheild of alabama which covers it. I worked at fredmeyers also. Hated it! lol. I hope you find a job you love and you are able to get your surgery! Have a great day! Saletia
Thanks for your reply, Are you saying that home depot also has blue cross of alabama as well as a choice option for home depot part time or as a choice for full time?? If so does the blue cross cover for part time?? Also what did you hate about fred meyer just curious... Did you like Home Depot?? I also found ou starbucks covers it...But i havent got called back for an interview i have a feeling home depot will offer the job and not the others. Thats my luck i get hired by the company that wont cover
Thanks Chris
I feel like im on the exact same boat as you!
Home depot has united health care for part-time. I loved working there! I really should hve kept that job, I need the second coverage! fred meyers was full of angry people! But I live in alaska it may be different for you. You'll love home depot and Im sure you'll be able to move to full-time in no time.
On March 11, 2008 at 3:04 PM Pacific Time, cglenn wrote:
I have decided on wls and am currently interviewing for jobs. I ave an interview for part time at home depot and i am wondering if anyone knows if their part time workers get approval for surgery. I guess the full time and part time benifits differ. I dont think going to an interview and asking this question is a good idea dughhh. Anyway i am also interviewing for fred meyer and i do know that part timers have the surgery covered. I guess starbucks covers as well but if anyone can help I live in Oregon and only want to work at a place that will cover the surgery so I dont want to waste their time or mine. I am not only working for surgery i will keep the job indefinatley. Any help is appreciated. Christina I don't recomend you getting the surgery self pay without any insurance. I would understant if you had current insurance, but getting the surgery out of pocket can make it super hard to get insurance in the long run. PLus if you have any complications thats out of pocket also!
Another thing to relize is that lap band is about 10-15 thousand cheaper, so if you are getting gastric its a whole other story.
RNY on 06/17/15
I am curious what you found out about the insurance. I am in the same boat and went through the whole process of getting ready and having the surgery scheduled when my insurance told me that due to a clerical error I actually did not have coverage. I am not giving up and determined that this is the right decision for me. I am actively searching for employers who offer this type of coverage. Any info you learned would be most helpful =) Amber
[email protected]
I am curious what you found out about the insurance. I am in the same boat and went through the whole process of getting ready and having the surgery scheduled when my insurance told me that due to a clerical error I actually did not have coverage. I am not giving up and determined that this is the right decision for me. I am actively searching for employers who offer this type of coverage. Any info you learned would be most helpful =) Amber
[email protected]