Obesity Related Exclusion OR Obesity Related Discrimination???!!!
Well after waiting and finally contacting our new health care provider, I was informed that the company has an obesity related exclusion. No WLS, no supervised diets, NO NOTHING! I have come to terms with the ridiculousness and understand there is nothing that I can do about it. My question is: Are there people attempting to end exclusions like these? Is there a group that sees the unfainess and is seeking to make WLS available for all that qualify? Please tell me that there is hope??!!!
I agree! Where do I sign up?! I was denied a revision by United Healthcare becuase my company (Continental Airlines) has added.....only 1 bariatric surgery per lifetime....to our insurance policy. I don't understand where they can do this legally. Isn't this discrimination? Our policy covers unlimited help for drug/alcohol addictions to go to rehab as needed. Is help for obesity any less important?
I know this post is kind of old, but I vote Obesity Related Discrimination.
Considering the number of articles by respected medical leaders in progressive medical journals linking obesity to various illnesses, and documenting wls as a "cure" for some f those co-morbities, I believe that the insurance companies are guilty of discrimination.
Anyone know a good class action attorney???
You see things; and you say 'Why?'
But I dream things that never were; and I say 'Why not?'
- George Bernard Shaw